Sunday, May 14, 2006

So, I'm not living up to my humor potential

I have a friend, let's call her "DT" because after all those are her real initials; well, she doesn't think I am entertaining you all (yeah, like the 2 of you who actually read this) with my dirty and clever repartee. Me so sorry!
This is her threat:

"I like your blog, but I won't consider it yours until you post some
of the raunchy humor of which I know you are capable. Please paste, in their entirety, some of the epic white trash jokes we laughed over.
Now if that doesn't put a smile on my face, nothing will.
political corretness."

I will currently cull through my email files as I believe I saved most of the pee-in-your-pants funny emails we exchanges while we were still working at the AAOS. Since neither one of us is still there I don't believe we have anything to fear. Though, if you read these you will realize that we obviously didn't fear "the man" while we were working there. I am fairly convinced that the whole IS department must have wept continually for about a month after we left because if they were reading our emails they would have recognized and mourned the loss of our collective comic genius.

Damn, I can't find the emails. Did you save any DT??? I hope so because my memory isn't what it used to be.


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