Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Congratulations are in order

For my dear friend Liz and her husband Seth as they welcomed their daughter Anna Justine into the world. Well done you! Born on January 25th, which also happens to be the triplets' birthday.

Just as an aside, I absolutely cannot believe that Ewan, Noel, and Mairin are 2 years old. I seriously have no memory of most of the past 2 years which is probably for the best or I would have been institutionalized.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

It's 11:14 pm

and Quinn is still wide awake, which is not unusual for him, and I am wondering what the hell did I ever give birth to? He certainly broke us in for having triplets, who I am pleased to report, all sleep well through the night and at a reasonable hour!

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Quinn's male bonding

Tomorrow afternoon Quinn, Eddy, and Eddy's father are going to the Vikings playoff game. Don't ask me who they are playing as I have no idea, but I am thrilled to potentially have a few hours of a semblance of quiet without Quinn asking what time it is every 2 minutes. He is big on the telling of time lately, and working out how long things take. I can safely tell you that it doesn't take long to become annoying, but of course I cannot tell him that and crush his little spirit that thirsts for knowledge. Just hoping he doesn't come home with his face or chest painted tomorrow, though I believe we are safe as Eddy is not that big of a Vikings fan... perhaps if it were the Bears?

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